Education’s Hero? Icons, John Dewey, and Ethics - Lynda Stone

PBRC Distinguished Speaker Series Presents
Dr. Lynda Stone, President of the John Dewey Society
“Education’s Hero? Icons, John Dewey, and Ethics”
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Student Affairs
This lecture utilizes the ‘story’ of John Dewey’s personal and philosophical ethics to organize a thesis of what constitutes a hero—an icon—today and how each is and perhaps ought to be understood and represented. The question for Dewey concerns the relationship of experience to theory and whether there ought to be a correspondence between one’s life and one’s writings. The central point refers to human fallibility and its acceptance as a primary mark of the heroic in each of us.
Dr. Lynda Stone is Professor, philosophy of education, and current chair of the research area, Culture, Curriculum, and Change at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is presently the President of the John Dewey Society and incoming Vice-President/future President of the American Educational Studies Association. Stone has published widely nationally and internationally in the philosophy of education, social theory and schooling reform more broadly.