
Research and Scholarship at SUA

Image of Michael Golden presenting

Faculty Research

Soka faculty are frequently pursuing research and scholarship outside the classroom.

Image of people in kimonos walking down the street

Pacific Basin Research Center

Learn more about SUA’s Pacific Basin Research Center.

  • Office of Sponsored Research

    The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) collaborates with faculty and administrators to identify and pursue externally funded research opportunities.
  • Center for Race, Ethnicity, and Human Rights

    The Center for Race, Ethnicity, and Human Rights provides space and resources for students and faculty of Soka University of America to engage in inquiry, research, and constructive dialogue related to race, ethnicity, human rights, and their intersections.

  • Soka Institute for Global Solutions

    Soka Institute for Global Solutions (SIGS) is a network of global citizens seeking to solve global problems.

Featured Faculty Research

Examine recent research and publications by SUA faculty.

Sarah England, PhD

Image of Sarah England

This publication analyzes the scope and dynamics of violence against women in Guatemala and how it is represented in the print media.

"Writing Terror on the Bodies of Women: Media Coverage of Violence against Women in Guatemala" by Sarah England
Lexington Books, 2018.

Junyi Liu, PhD

Image of Junyi Liu.

Our main objective is to investigate the impact of the political personnel system on business cycle synchronization in China. 

“Bureaucratic Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization” by Junyi Liu
Joint with Qing He, Chang Xue, and Shaojie Zhou. Revised and resubmitted to China Economic Review.