President Ed Feasel Releases Message on Daunte Wright to Campus Community

SUA President Ed Feasel expressed deep sadness and horror to “the senseless killing” of Daunte Wright in Minneapolis. On April 12, he wrote in an email to the SUA community:
“Once again, a young black man’s life has been taken from this world. This was entirely preventable. It is clear that police reform is necessary across the country and should continue to be a focus of our policymakers and communities.”
Counseling is available for students, and they should feel free to reach out to Dean of Students Hyon Moon. They can also get immediate support from anywhere in the world by contacting a counselor 24 hours a day at My SSP (1-866-743-7732 in North America, 001-416-380-6578 elsewhere).
Faculty and staff who would like support can access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Aetna Resources of Living. The EAP has short-term counseling available. Employees can call 800-221-0945 (TTY: 711) to speak to someone directly. For additional information contact Vice President for Human Resources and Risk Management Katherine King.
President Feasel hopes to find ways to support one another, “recognizing that each of us is affected in different ways from these events.” He wishes everyone to take care during these difficult times.