President's Message on Recent Hate Crimes

Dear Soka Community,
I am sure we are all saddened by the recent string of hate crimes in the US directed at Asian Americans, including the shootings this week in Atlanta. Such incidents show the base side of how human beings can treat each other when respect for the dignity of life is missing. As we condemn these actions in the strongest terms, I reflect again on the important mission of SUA to set an example of community based on compassion and care for one another.
In light of the recent events there may be some who are feeling anger and anxiety. There are various resources available that you may wish to use. Students can get immediate support from anywhere in the world by contacting a counselor 24 hours a day at My SSP. Students in North America can dial 1-866-743-7732 and those outside North America can dial 001-416-380-6578. In addition, SUA counselor Anhthu Dang is hosting a Zoom session on Friday, March 19, from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Students should also feel free to reach out to Dean of Students Hyon Moon for assistance.
For faculty and staff who would like support, we have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Aetna Resources of Living. The EAP has short term counseling available. Employees can call them to speak to someone directly: 800-221-0945 (TTY: 711). For additional information please feel free to contact our Vice President for Human Resources and Risk Management Katherine King.
Please continue to take care and stay healthy during these difficult times.
Ed Feasel
Note: A version of this message was delivered to the Soka community via email on March 17, 2021