What is a Board of Representatives?

The mission of the Board of Representatives is to determine and implement the Association’s strategic direction with the sole purpose of upholding the Association’s Mission as elected representatives of the entire alumni association and in alignment with the mission and goals of the University.

Network and Engagement

  • Establish and build a strong network of alumni locally, regionally, nationally and internationally
  • Create greater awareness of engagement opportunities by promoting Sohokai Alumni Association events, strategically engage alumni by providing tangible benefits, strengthen current programs and create new initiatives
  • Maintain regular communication via direct contact, emails, print publications, web pages and social media outlets
  • Communicate beneficial information including, but not limited to: Soka news, career opportunities, alumni updates, giving opportunities, events, and more
  • Secure commitments from alumni to provide professional expertise as well as identify and cultivate alumni volunteer leaders
  • Serve as a voice for the alumni of the Sohokai Alumni Association

Liaison between Alumni and SUA

  • Serve as the primary liaison between SUA and Sohokai members around the world
  • Engage monthly with SUA senior leaders and Alumni Relations Office to provide updates, plan, and execute across the Sohokai Strategic Plan and growth objectives
  • Welcome graduating students and educate about alumni benefits and engage them in programs

Duties and Logistical Responsibilities

  • Support the implementation of the Sohokai’s Strategic Plan, growth objectives, including supporting and overseeing a growing organizational infrastructure to support the broader Alumni Association.
  • Oversee Regional Chapters, Class Representatives, various Committees and ensure strong and productive relationships between its members
  • Preside at meetings of the Board and at general meetings of the Association. Communicate the growth, changes, and updates in and amongst Sohokai to the broader Alumni Association community. Support the continued development and growth of Regional Chapters and professional interest groups.
  • Promote and encourage Alumni Association leadership in various capacities including: Alumni Board of Representatives, Class Representatives, Regional Chapter Representatives, Committee Leadership, and Professional Interest Group leader roles.
  • Coordinate with the Alumni Relations office on the nomination and voting proceedings for the Board of Representatives, Class Representatives, Regional Chapter Representatives, and professional interest groups
  • Other duties as needed

Other Information

  • Anticipated time commitment is a minimum of 2 hours per week. Maximum may be longer, especially during in person meetings (e.g., Board Executive Sessions, Alumni Meeting Week, Regional Chapter Gatherings, etc.)
  • Some travel will be required (e.g., to attend Board Executive Sessions at SUA, to attend the Alumni Meeting at SUA, and potential support for certain Regional Chapter Gatherings). Travel, if needed, will be covered by the Office of Alumni Relations.

As a member of the Sohokai Alumni Association Board of Representatives, you will have an enriching opportunity to give back to your alma mater and a deeply rewarding chance to strengthen your connections in our inspiring alumni network. Through participating behind the scenes and in various events, you will have opportunities to gain leadership experience and develop new skills in event planning and implementation, developing and strengthening the alumni network, and managing various alumni committees.

Three years.

  • Alumni members shall be in good standing, as prescribed in Section 2.3 and may not be going through a Conduct and Resolution process at the time of application
  • Alumni members shall be supportive of the mission of the University.
  • Alumni members shall be a financial donor to the University and must have donated at least once within the (1) one year prior to submitting a candidacy application.
  • Alumni members shall prepare: an application (as described in Section 6.4), a short biography, and a personal statement on the mission of Soka University of America and the Sohokai Association.
  • Alumni members should be aware of the time commitment required for equitable participation by the Board of Representatives.

2025 Sohokai Board Election

True to our name, “Young Founders,” we are still a young organization paving the path of peace with all of you as global citizens worldwide. We hope you will consider running yourself and/or nominating up to two fellow Sohokai to serve as Board members to support the Sohokai community and advance SUA’s mission.

The new Board term starts at the Annual Alumni Meeting taking place at Homecoming, and you could be one of the wonderful alumni supporting our Sohokai community.


Date Event
February 21 Announcement Email
March 7 Deadline to Nominate Candidates
March 16 Deadline for Candidacy Application
March 17 - March 23 Official Election Campaigning
March 24 - March 30 Election Period
March 31 Election Results Announced

Feel free to email us at sohokai@soka.edu. Thank you!

Roles & Responsibilities

Role of a Regional Chapter Leader

The primary role of a Regional Chapter Leader is to strengthen their regional network, organize local events and gatherings, and connect and communicate with alumni living in their region. Regional Chapter Leaders are appointed to serve a three- to five-year term.

Practical Responsibilities

  • Communicate pertinent information to alumni living in their regional chapter
  • Plan at least one event or gathering per year
  • Keep an up-to-date record of alumni living in that area and report any changes to the Office of Alumni Relations
  • Teleconference with the Board of Representatives every quarter

Regional Chapters

The regional chapters were established to play a key role in the global development of the Alumni Association’s network by creating more opportunities for alumni to connect at local gatherings and events attuned to a city’s culture and vibe. Below are the officially recognized regional chapters. 

To establish a regional chapter, please email us at Sohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Kenta Kuwano, Class of 2018

Yoshimi Watanabe, Class of 2020

Email: TokyoSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Scott Bower, Class of 2015

Email: LosAngelesSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Lawrence Tsao, Class of 2015

Email: NewYorkSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Akiko Sato, Class of 2012

Shohei Sekine, Class of 2016

Email: KansaiSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Ippei Shibata, Class of 2007

Heather Davis, Class of 2008

Email: DCSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Lisa Utsumi, Class of 2007

Margarita Cherubini, Class of 2008

Email: EuropeSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Lenny Bogdonoff, Class of 2011

Nicole Inamine, Class of 2015

Email: BayAreaSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Sherry Souktia, Class of 2015

Email: OrangeCountySohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Jeff Rutkowski, Class of 2008

Nozomi Inukai, Class of 2011

Email: ChicagoSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Yuko Miyama, Class of 2011

Anri Tanabe, Class of 2011

Email: NewEnglandSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

David Reker, Class of 2008

Tyko Shoji, Class of 2011

Email: DenverSohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Erika Noel, Class of 2010

Rayen Rooney, Class of 2017

Email: hawaiisohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Sayaka Arita, Class of 2016

Kiki Fong, Class of 2017

Email: southeastasiasohokai@soka.edu

For information regarding events and activities, please contact the representatives below.

Fabiana Sanchez, Class of 2005

Cecilia Ocampos, Class of 2006

Class Representative Roles & Responsibilities

Role of a Class Representative

The primary responsibility of a Class Representative is to connect to classmates, strengthen their class network, and be the voice of their class. Class Representatives are nominated to serve a 3-year term.

Practical Responsibilities

  • Knowing the heartbeat of your class by connecting with your classmates, strengthening your class network, and staying current with their significant updates or needs.
  • A quarterly teleconference to connect with other class representatives and the Board.
  • Help plan, organize, and implement activities for the Annual Alumni Meeting and other significant class-related celebrations.

Class Representatives

Michael Sasaki

Email: Sohokai2005@soka.edu

Daman Chhikara & Socheth Sok

Email: Sohokai2006@soka.edu

Hiromi Akiyama & Ramsey Robert Demeter

Email: Sohokai2007@soka.edu

Yashasvi Kapoor Chauhan

Email: Sohokai2008@soka.edu

Jennifer Akiko Ijichi

Email: Sohokai2009@soka.edu

Sarah Akane “Kusho” & Madeline Sandoe Brownfield

Email: Sohokai2010@soka.edu

Jenny Cook & Jihii Jolly Bogdonoff

Email: Sohokai2011@soka.edu

Aaron Freedman & Andrea “Andy” Perez

Email: Sohokai2012@soka.edu

Martin Saito & Samuel “Sam” Sturgeon

Email: Sohokai2013@soka.edu

Rhythm Sethi & Chieri Wada

Email: Sohokai2014@soka.edu

Indigo Ross & Nick Peck 

Email: Sohokai2015@soka.edu


Email: Sohokai2016@soka.edu

Max Heine & Wei Hong Loh

Email: Sohokai2017@soka.edu


Email: Sohokai2018@soka.edu


Email: Sohokai2019@soka.edu


Email: Sohokai2020@soka.edu


Email: Sohokai2021@soka.edu

Haru Koga & Tomomi Uruma

Email: Sohokai2022@soka.edu

Kentaro Shintaku & Qiankuan “Jerry” Yang

Email: Sohokai2023@soka.edu

Max Lau & Sakura Okayasu

Email: Sohokai2024@soka.edu